Home Made Grab Bar

looks good. shorten they are too long. what i mean is they stick out the back too far. blaster are horrible for breaking grab bars. you want that to be as close to the rear plastics as possilbe. like the prms do for a banshee...they look great tho. are they aluminum?
yeah take the length of the first one and the width second and you will have is dead on man great job

Yea, when i was looking at it last night after i got it all together i thought it needed to be closer to the back, I think i can cut it and shorten it with out to much problem.

Should i make it less wide also? or do you think 17" is good?
looks good. shorten they are too long. what i mean is they stick out the back too far. blaster are horrible for breaking grab bars. you want that to be as close to the rear plastics as possilbe. like the prms do for a banshee...they look great tho. are they aluminum?

nope not aluminum, i can't weld aluminum now, i don't think they weigh all that much, after i get it where is looks good i will see how much they weigh.
do a 13-15" one

Should not be a problem i just need to go get more metal.

i think on the second one that i made it was 8" between the metal that connects to the frame. so there is 4.5" on both sides.

i will have to play with it and see how small i can make it and it still look ok.

if anyone wants one let me know. i would be happy to make them.
thanks man but if i go ahead with it i think i should get on grand..!! if i come to any difficulties ill try redesign it to bypass it I:I