Don't do 2 different colors. Semi Gloss black with the edges of the fins polished looks cool, so does silver. I think colors of the rainbow just looks silly on cylinders.
I say black with the edge of the fines in red.
how would i do that? not sure how you could do that ?
Easiest way would be too throw a coat of red on it, and then put little strips of painters tape over the fin tips. Then paint it black. Lots of work and time will be needed, but will look good in the end!
I like the idea of black with red pin striping but seems like you would need a lot of time and skill. It would be well worth the effort though.
how would i do that? not sure how you could do that ?
Damn bro you been down for quite some time now!!!
Good to see youre getting her up and running again tho.
Id polish the head get yourself a buffing wheel for your bench grinder and have at it.Theyre pretty cheap and if i remember correctly your uncles a big gear head (NICE GUY TOO) and probably has one in his shop.
Id leave the jug black though and with a polished head it would look tough!