high rev please help me


New Member
Nov 15, 2009
just did topend rebuild, now when i crank it it idles real high, but if i pull choke out seems like it runs fine, i have been messen with it for two days now and cant figure it out, i hchanged the needle to the top grove it was in the second from the top, and it dosent mater where i set the fuel or air screws dosent change anything either does trying to adjust idle what the hell is going on, it didnt hardly idle at all before i rebuilt topend
sounds lean. why did you change the needle to the top?
what size main and pilot are you running?
whats done to the bike? airbox lid on or off?
premix or injected?
need more info man..
no before rebuild would not idle, unless feathed throttle, i realy need someone to call me and help me out with this, thanks,slade 828-678-9710
Sounds just like my issue only mine would race if I gave it any throttle. Ended up being multiple issues. Had to put in a new jet kit and crank seal. The TORS was bad as well. Once I got everything corrected it runs like a top!