heres my options


Jun 11, 2009
first: a 1987 lt250r new top end rebuild needs brakes and berrings + he's throwing in car audio


second: a "full moded out" 2001 rm 85, has new chain and sprocket


Third: a 2003 kdx 200, has an FMF pipe


they want to trade for my blaster
Thoughts on these...
a new challenger appeared
a 99 cr125 with a 04 motor all new plastics an graphics and full pro circut exhaust
no title tho..... and waiting on pictures
no i dont want a dirt bike but thats what everyone keeps offering me. I figured i could sell them more than my quad. I'm also looking at a couple Jeeps
no i dont want a dirt bike but thats what everyone keeps offering me. I figured i could sell them more than my quad. I'm also looking at a couple Jeeps

Well that reasoning isn't very good, because you need to think of why there are so many dirtbikes being offered to you, because they can't sell them either. Personally I would get the 250r, but I have an LT250r fetish ;)
i know people into dirt bikes tho so it wouldnt be hard to hock one off on to someone. I'd like to sell mine and get a craptor or trade a lifted 4x4 mudder
the 200 is gone. i'm still waiting to find out about a couple jeeps
I've ridden dirt bikes before and i like 4 wheelers better, you can go more and ride longer (season wise)