here comes the stork again!!!


New Member
Mar 28, 2008
South Dakota
lol thats right the wife and i are expecting are 3 child in the fall.....we have 2 girls right now abigail it 3.5 and kaitlyn is 1....hope this one is a boy , but either way she is getting tied up lol....
Congrats YB. I had my 5th kid in june a boy I bought him a dirtbike the moment I found out it was a boy. I have 3 girls and 2 boys my oldest son doesnt like to ride. The girls want quads LOL
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congrats brother, good luck on the yb jr.
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congrats yb, my wife and I have 5 ourselves. Kids are fun.
I'm trying to get my youngest (2) potty trained:-/