
Brian nichols

Jan 22, 2017
So I got a blaster the other day that needs work....supposed to have new top end has great compression! Was supposed to not have spark got it home had spark but a broken Reed....I put in reeds off my uncles blaster and still nothing! Not a backfire nothing .....I then tried starting fluid through the carb nothing again....sprayed directly into cylinder still nothing....I'm lost have spark fuel and compression....stater or coil? Cdi? Timing key? Anyone have this problem? Thanks in advance!
the other person might have tried to replace stator with 30 dollar 1 if so it wont work.
needs oem stator.

how much compression did you check it with a gauge?
should be around 120psi.

any aftermarket parts on it that you know of?
free manual
I have not checked with a gauge yet but I no for a fact it has more than his just by kicking it it's all stock with standard bore as far as I no also there is no exhaust I got it that way.....
i have kicked engines with bad crank bearings/cranks that have locked up ect..That kick harder then normally and still wont start/or if they do start you still cant ride it that way.o_O
sounds damaged..
comp test it for real with a gauge...Or switch the other blaster parts over to yours if you want
to diagnose it that way.
no exhaust bad reeds
look up through the cylinder with a flashlight for signs of damage
should not be hard exhaust is already removed:D
free flowing gas,carb,strong spark,spark at the right time,compression
tors system is present or has it been removed??
standard bore with new top end?
chinese cylinder or a used..Brand new oem stock bore?

post some pics of it if you are unsure:)

without some cold hard facts it is just a guessing game for
ALL of us:p

have a look through the forums on her for alot of good advice,also others will post to your thread stay tuned.
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You have spark ?
Check the flywheel key, if sheared it could just be sparking at the wrong time.

And lay off the starting fluid in a 2 stroke.
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It ended up being the tors system killing my spark while giving it I'm fighting a dirty tank and carb issues also there was a nest in my header pipe lol starts everytime seems the carbs out of adjustment what's factory screw settings...thanks
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glad you got it started nice job.
carb section on forums main pg explains everything here is 1 of them.
you will need to clean carb spotless first by taking it apart.
airscrew is: close it all the way to the right then back it out 1 1/2 turns then go
from there but read a lil bit on the forum first:)
dont forget to remove the pilot jet and clean it/soak it in carb cleaner ect,it gets clogged the most imo.
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glad you got it started nice job.
carb section on forums main pg explains everything here is 1 of them.
you will need to clean carb spotless first by taking it apart.
airscrew is: close it all the way to the right then back it out 1 1/2 turns then go
from there but read a lil bit on the forum first:)
Thanks I've cleaned the carb like 10 times i gotta clean the tank runs good till it cloggs itself back up! Also my screw was tightened all the way I started backing it out it ran alot better except on take off but right as I was trying to tune it the carb started acting up again float sticking gas leaking and when the carb does it it start high idling and flooding itself I said I need to clean out my tank as good as I can clean carb again and start over