Help with spark.


New Member
Jul 13, 2009
I got a 89 or 90 blaster and I dont think I am getting spark. Some times in the past i'd get the blaster running and then it would just cut out and die. Well I decided to check the spark and I noticed I cant see any spark

at all on the plug. So I took a light tester and hooked them to each wire coming from the engine case and I have a yellow wire with a red stripe that seems to get power but thats it.

all I want is power to the coil I dont want lights or any thing like that so can I get rid of the rest of the wiring?
the yellow/red wire i beleive is the wire for lights.. you need to test the source and pickup coils with an ohm meter to make sure the resistance is in spec.. do you have a manual? it will give you the testing prodeure and what color wires and the reisistance spec..
i had a post in here, my info was incorrect, so i deleted it.....ill research my info, and repost
ok, now i got it. lol

you need to fix the spark problem first.

now, you HAVE to keep wiring for cdi, coil, and stator. lights, TORS, etc. can be removed. it may also shorten your harness. i reccommend a kill switch to be added in also.

before you go removing stuff, fix the spark problem 1st. do what 370 said, check and make sure the coil is good also.
yeah fix your no spark problem first then start hacking the harness. you def need to check out the wirign diagram before you start cutting.. keep the wiring for the CDI, ign. coil and you'll want to wire in a kill switch..