help please read and post back


New Member
Jun 2, 2011
naples florida
my blaster starts up fine but when i try to accelerate it will start making a weird noise kinda like its choked up and wont go fast, already cleaned out carb what else can i do?
Do this. Clean the air filter make sure you got the pilot jet clean on the Carb.. do a compression test do a leakdown test.. then report back And we will go from there
ive cleaned the air filter, but i dont have the info or stuff to do a compression test or leak down, can you give me more information on where/what to buy for these tests, and basically how to do it lol... (thanks for the feedbacks) =]
I know Slickerthanyou sells leak test kits i believe Dekotademon also does/did?? otherwise, i recommend checking your reeds, whip off the carb, then the 4 bolts that hold the carb mounting boot onto the motor, as you take it off, you will find the reeds
Slick sells a very nice leakdown tester. I have one myself. It would be very wise to invest in a leak down tester and a compression tester.