i just bought my first blaster and when i first got it, it ran like a champ i could pop huge wheelies in first gear and it had alot of power but now it has like no power and it makes a weird noise like its over reving rite as ur about to shift and it does this in all the gears, and it has never did this before this and the power issue started about a week after i got it and it seemed like it was rite after i changed the motor oil which i mixed with watever was in there before with SAE 10-30 car oil which i know ur not soppused to do but the shop wass closed then after a few hours i drain t and it was black and bad lookin so i put some 10-40 honda sj oil which is for atvs and the light went off and its all good and it seemed like the more it was warmed up the more power it had and then i put some belray premix in with watever was in there before and it started smokin real bad and it smelled funny but theres no way to drain it so if thats a prob let me no plz and the blaster has some after market stuff like toomey b1,vforce2 reed cage, boyseen power reeds, vitos jet kit, reed spacer, vitos superstock piston, and he gave me an extra head when i bought it and said the one on there gives it more compression and that i should tighten the head bolts every few rides which i never did, by the way im usen 93 oct and a br8es plug thats brand new and the air box lid is removed and behind the filter theres a bunch of mud and oil which i think was from me trail ridin in mud and it use to start in one or two kicks and now it takes like 10 when its cold but when its warm it starts in 1 after i do the 10 kick process. PLZ help me i know i prob made it more confussing that it is by the i wrote it srry