help me plz


May 25, 2010
i just bought my first blaster and when i first got it, it ran like a champ i could pop huge wheelies in first gear and it had alot of power but now it has like no power and it makes a weird noise like its over reving rite as ur about to shift and it does this in all the gears, and it has never did this before this and the power issue started about a week after i got it and it seemed like it was rite after i changed the motor oil which i mixed with watever was in there before with SAE 10-30 car oil which i know ur not soppused to do but the shop wass closed then after a few hours i drain t and it was black and bad lookin so i put some 10-40 honda sj oil which is for atvs and the light went off and its all good and it seemed like the more it was warmed up the more power it had and then i put some belray premix in with watever was in there before and it started smokin real bad and it smelled funny but theres no way to drain it so if thats a prob let me no plz and the blaster has some after market stuff like toomey b1,vforce2 reed cage, boyseen power reeds, vitos jet kit, reed spacer, vitos superstock piston, and he gave me an extra head when i bought it and said the one on there gives it more compression and that i should tighten the head bolts every few rides which i never did, by the way im usen 93 oct and a br8es plug thats brand new and the air box lid is removed and behind the filter theres a bunch of mud and oil which i think was from me trail ridin in mud and it use to start in one or two kicks and now it takes like 10 when its cold but when its warm it starts in 1 after i do the 10 kick process. PLZ help me i know i prob made it more confussing that it is by the i wrote it srry
Re: help me plz i forgot somthing

the chain tenshoners broke so now i cant ride anymore so maybe thats my power problem so if they were loose could that have effected my power thx
sounds like the clutch is slipping. time for a new one or try to adjust it. and you shoul dnever run car oil in it! also if it smokes a little thats alright it is a 2stroke myou might of just mixed to much oil in with the gas. and you can drain the gas. take the fuel line off the carb and stick it in a gas can and just let it go it will drain out
did you mix the 10-30 in your gas? or put it in the tranny, cause thats the only place it will do any good, and i am assumeing the guy before you did the injection deletion, but you are in more trouble than your clutch. If it is takin ten kicks to start somethin is wrong, unless you had more oil in your tank than gas. Is it harder to kick now then before? cause that is sounding like a piston problem to me, i am no expert, just an opinion
yea if it takes more and more kicks everytime to start shes ready or gonna be ready for a new top end. how much compression does it have? is it easyer to kick then when you got it? do you have to put less effort into every kick to start it?
since you said "and the light went off" thats telling me you filled the tank under your seat with car oil?? if you put car oil anyplace besides in the tranny you need to get it out of there, there is special 2 stroke injector oil that you need to get , just look at the back of the bottle it will say if its for premix, injectors or both.
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I read this 4 times and still don't understand what he did? I thought he said he put 3 different oils in the gas tank.
no i didnt put any oil inthe gas tank i put the car oil in the tranny because the shop was closed so when it opened i went down and got 10-40 sj honda and thats wat the guy recomended then i draind the car oil and put the 10-40 sj honda oil in and the blaster doesnt have a oil block off kit so i put the belray premix in the tank under the seat with wat ever was in there before and i filled it to the brim and the clucth is noticable hard to pull in
oh and it seems to have good compression it never changed and a little update i went out yesterday and started it (which took 10 kicks) and i just went out to day to start it and it started first kick and when i said it smokes before i mean it smokes alot even wen idlein
your running wayyyyy to rich then you need to take that oil injection BS off they stop working then the bike blows up. thats prob your problem the injector is feeding the carb to much oil!
thxs i thought it was convenite that u could just put reglur gas in the tank without pre mixin but watever do u think i should get a vitos 240 big bore cuz i hear some bad stuff about them
thxs i thought it was convenite that u could just put reglur gas in the tank without pre mixin but watever do u think i should get a vitos 240 big bore cuz i hear some bad stuff about them

i dont think your whole problem is the oil injector, yes you should get rid of it but i think you have other problems. have you looked at the condition of your reeds? vitos 240 kit is good if you get it ported, you can just get your stock jug ported and make just as much power as a unported vitos BBK
Now i wanna say that you put too much oil in the tranny, that would mean the compression is too much. Can you see any air when you look through the looking glass, you should be to see about a quarter inch. Try to drain a little, i would prolly put money on that being your problem
um that was actrolly my first guess i put about 2 quatz in the tranny because at first when i put 650ml the oil light was still on and the looking glass was still filled with air even after i road it (by the way it doesnt leak at all) so then i just kep putin more in till it was between the two slots on the lookin glass then i rode it and the oil light came off but i literliy measured out two quatz because it was a two quat bottle just so i could see it in the lookin glass ps; would this be my power prob