
If you want a good helmet check out fox I think there v3 helmets sell for like 170 that may be there v1 helmets though not sure either way there are still good helmets. Or you can check the closeouts on rockymountainatv.com can get a good helmet for about 50 to 70
yeah i would def check out rockymount and get a cheaper helmet and put the rest in the quad...
i wouldnt go to cheap on a helmet. the ones i listed and light strong and comfortable. if you go real cheap your gonna get a uncomfortable helmet that may be weak.
^^^^ could not agree more on this !! ^^^^

Make sure it is DOT approved, and better yet SNELL approved... Your head is way too valuable to be going cheap on a helmet...

Well I know mine is pretty important at least. I would hate to be a vegetable because I wanted to save a few $$$