Headlight Removal


New Member
Jan 2, 2008
Am I being retarted, or what, I cant seem to get my head light off.
Its an 00 blaster, and ive undone the ones going from the light holder bit, just underneath the plastic key thing, but theres two more I need to undo, but I cant get to them?
How do I take off the black plastic thing then, i have undone the two top screws, and unscrewed the thing for the key, but I dont know what to do now, but I want to take the light off

How do i take the light off then?
you need to take the headlight of the mount (so you able to spin it in 360 degree) then on the bottom theres 2 Phillips screws (remove those) and then the headlight assembly should pull out. or are you wanting to remove the headlight mounts also if so there are two 10 or 12mm bolts right underneath the plastic dash which is held on with two screw but the key switch.
The handle bar / key switch cover just snaps on the bars after you get the two swrews off it just pull up hard