head question ?


Aug 29, 2010
just got my lil brothers cylinder bored and gonna do a top end rebuild. my question is the head itself is really ruff and i wanna clean it up how can i go about doing so ? biscuit grinder,sand paper,any ideas will be greatly appreciated. i want this to be right.
i would get it redisgned other then that im not sure of how it would get cleaned up to well i have never realy looked into the subject somebody else will chime in i hope
but for the redisgn it cost about 60 and adds a good bit of power to it
stock is on right awsome sexafied head on left
you can use sandpaper and work it around until you clean all the carbon out. and then progresssivly move to lighter sand paper until it is almost pollishied. if it is pitted you will be removing a bit of material to get rid of the pits. the best bet would be to not worry about the pits and just clean it up or get the head redesigned like stated above. that way you won't lose compression by removing material from the combustion chamber