Having trouble with my blast HELP?


New Member
Jan 6, 2009
hey i have a 2002 blaster and when i shift through gears in each gear it back fires and bogs any thoughs to whats wrong ohh and i tried a new plug, and cleaned the carb, and cleaned the air filter

it is jetted properly and it used to run. it runs with premix and it was mixed exactly right
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do u have it jetted right???
r u using the oil injection or premix

Did you read any of his post at all? he said he was running pre mix and that he had alreayd jetted the bike. Anyways...do you have the TORS still hooked up? I only ask because the TORS is a system that if it think the bike is getting to much gas it will cut the suply off...so, if you are hammering it through the gears when the RPM's rev when you pull the clutch in the TORS might think that it is being overloaded and cut your bike out. Just a thought.
im not sure but if your bke idle's fine and it only whne you get on it your float bowl level may be to low making it run out of gas.. or maybe a fuel filter even.
Pics of the broken peice would be cool, throw pics up so people can look out for it next time they have a prob like yours. If you dont want to you can email me and ill put em up.