havent been on here for a while


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
hey guys i havent been on here for a while i had to sell the blastyX( i hope to get another one soon but in the mean time i came across a nice deal on a yamaha timberwolf in mint condition that i couldnt refuse, i know its not a sport quad but i wanted to know if i could use any of the same techniques from the blaster on the timberwolf?


  • 94 t-wolf 250.jpg
    94 t-wolf 250.jpg
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  • 94 timberwolf.jpg
    94 timberwolf.jpg
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deffinently take off the racks if u don't need them, dlip the fronts and put wheel spacers all around, maybe a exhaust and paint the fenders, oh, and maybe a open air box if u don't mud alot