Guess who has to buy a new a-arm


New Member
Aug 10, 2009
I hit a small jump at Croom and all of a sudden my whole front end dropped and i jumped of (got lucky).i broke the piece that connects the tire to the a-arm, and you cant replace it unless you buy a new a-arm GAY!!!And the week before that i was trail riding and my knee hit the throttle wide open and caused me too flip(got very lucky because i was going slow).This thing is trying too kill me:(.so i guess I'm going to be riding my four strokes till i get this thing fixed 200$. overall I'm more happy with my Honda's at this point.
trust me i know it ain't cheap i have spent at least 15,000 in the past 4 years i kept all the receipts due to having 4 quads.
dam could a looked and waited a little and got a set of +2s on fleabay for that price.

Well lesson learned never buy parts from the STEALERSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
are there any handlebars that would help with the knee hitting the throttle problem when i turn renthals suck, i am 6 feet tall
canceled my order at the stealership and got 4 a-arms in good shape of ebay for 85$ f*ck yamaha i will be buying of ebay from now on.