Guess who got ANOTHER good deal......ME!


New Member
Jan 14, 2010
Jersey Fool!!
So0o0o as some of you knowww i traded my 02 banshee semi/stock for my 03 Worked Raptor...well guesss whattt..

Aparently the guy i traded for,broke his ankle on it yesterday,bahahhahaha (ouch) welll he texted me about 2 hours ago askin if i wanna buy it back bc his wife is MAKING him get rid of it....1 hour later picked it up and back in my garage...and it only cost me 500$$$$!!!

Can you say fkn awsome!! i better go to the casino and but some money on
This is maddness! I keep looking at your threads and drooling at the deals, this just tops it off. :D Sweet deals.
where do you live, cause there must be some real "de da dee's" around that area
you live in jersey, the home of freeks, that explains alot