Got the itch

I'm not sure. My friend is an idiot and I told him multiple times that the chain was too loose. I could literally take the chain off the rear sprocket because of how loose it was..

I've never had a problem and I ride hard, so I probably won't get one....not real sure though.
Yeah there's a good chunk missing...funny thing is I had a stator side case half...until the aussies left town and it ended up at your doorstep! LOL.
Time to find someone parting out a bike.

wow, thats busted up !

If you don't find a case halve or parts engine...... gimme a holler,
I have 3 sets, 1 is staying put in case I ever need a set,
2 I just took in on trade....1 supposed to be good w/ light chain whack, I thru a clutch actuator in and it spins freely, and 1 set I have to inspect yet.
the good sets will stay together, either on the shelf, or sold as a set only.