got the $500 86 trx250r

Oct 16, 2008
southern IN
i got it today and it has no spark but good compression what could it be guys?

i will get pics of it and i need a flange for the fmf pipe it came with and also a clutch rod and i think that is it







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yea you can put one from a cr. my boy did that mod man this thing sounds killer deff doesnt sound like any 250r i have herd. its a trx250r right not the lt?.
sounds like you should make friends with someone else who has a running 250r to swap the small stuff like that and see what happens... buy them a case of beer and see how much stuff they're willing to let u test :D

not sure how to test the stator what ohm range should it be? if that's all you do is test the leads that's cake and I'd start there... cheap dmm's should have ohms on them and can be had for $20 give or take.... kmart sells craftsman, the craftsmans appear to me to be made by greenlee... I'm an electrical journeyman and I use craftsmans and never had a problem. I've also used flukes and imo they're among the summit of testers, but the craftsman won't give u false readings. just not as high quality... still accurate. specially the higher end ones ;) find what the stator is supposed to measure, and should be cake... then at least you'll know if you want to find a cr stator...
Looks like you got a good deal. Don't just start replaceing electrical components, test them. Obviously, start with the plug, then the stator, and go from there.