no, but i am planning too when i get home for college. All you have to do it buy sulfuric acid, some aluminum wire and a battery charger(if you have one you are good). First you clean the sh*t out of the part to be anodized, and wear rubber gloves. Then you take the wire and make it in the shape of a paddle, put aluminum foil around this, then hook up the positive(?)(look this up to be sure) lead of the charger. Then make a loop to hold the piece up with the wire and hook it up to the negative(?). Put them in the sulfuric acid mixed 3 parts acid and 1 part water. And keep it there untill it stops bubbling. take it out rinse in warm water. Then put it in a thing of warm water that has either anodizing dye or RIT dye works fine. Make sure it is completely submerged. Then when you get the color you want put it in cold water. I think the end is right but im doing all of this from memory so you will want to do a little research on this