Got a few Questions


New Member
Sep 25, 2008
Rhode Island
Ok whats the best gearing for a blaster with the stuff i got on mine? Do i get a bigger rear sprocket or sumthing? Also, what does removing the tors do? I was gonna do it but is it really worth the trouble. Also....I want a new rear axle....mainly because mine looks used. It isnt that bad at all...i took a steelwool drill thing to it and it looks a hell of alot better but i want it even nicer....S what should I do paint it or what I wanted it to look chrome kinda all the input i can get will be much appreiciated
I want to be able to get a hell of a jump off the start while being able to hold a very good top speed lol i know its in between somwhere a bit of ppl have 14/ 40 gearing is that what i need and how to i make that happen?
Ok....I did just buy a new heavy duty chain but when i took the bike apart and the rear shock off the rear end of the frame got in between the chain links and ripped all those rubber seal type that bad the size tires i have are 22 by 11
removing your TORS is basicly an assurance policy that if you have engine trouble..that won't be it. Real simple and free to remove(disable)..if ur lookin to make your bike look good then u might want to get a removal kit or install a twist throttle cause these require removal of the tors. Just disabling it will leave the big triangle shaped box on top your carb. And about your axle..please remember...quads are made for the dirt and mud, so is it really that important to look good?
the tors (trottle,overide,system) is MEANT to shut the fuel off goin to the carb if the carb is stuck open but causes more problems than anything else so if you do take it off you might save yourself doing it in the future when you dont want to!!
There is a diy section on how to take it off i'm sure
14/40 gearing with 22'' tires i think u would have good top end.. why not just keep the stock gearing 13/40 with 22'' tires ..
if you REALLY want to make less wires, just do what i did. remove your whole wiring harness, trace the tors to where they go into the harness and snip them off with wire cutters. youll have less wires. and it will be cleaner looking