got a few offers

Something is amiss with that blaster....

It has an extended axle, aftermarket hood, different rims, newish looking tires, but a stock pipe.

Anyone else think that's a little odd?
same thing i was thinking, especially the part where it says will keep up with a banshee till 4th gear. yeah i dont see that happening with a stock pipe and silencer lmao
I mean, a pipe is not difficult to change out (if you did decide to trade + cash) and the other parts it has are definitely worth some serious $$$.

I would be concerned that the thing was raced very hard and then damaged in some way (wrecked or blown up) and they put it back together with whatever parts were still good.

If you do go look at it, look it over VERY well. Make sure all of the bearings are in good shape and nothing is bent (especially the lower frame tubes right behind where the lower control arms bolt up)

If it's kinked there, it's difficult to pull out straight.
ok so i just rang him ,he said he has the old parts to proove he put them all on and would gimmie them ,he also said i could do a comp test (hel even bring his tester) got him he said he would give me 1200 and the blaster and my quad but im not sure i want another blaster lol
personally, i wouldn't trade. i wish i could have a yfz and if i had it i wouldn't trade for a blaster.
that blaster is sweat i would swap then you could have i quick blaster with 1,200 to spend on it but its really up to u not me :P for u people on about the stock pipe on that blaster it because of the rules a regs that me have here for quads racing
i say trade for the blaster or the r6. i want a crothrocket so bad. but yeah the blaster and 1200. you could put alot of engine work into the blaster and get it fast as hell. wish i could.
It'd be close for me... that blaster seems nice and you'd have $1200 to play with afterward. Take 200 of that and put a pipe on and be set...
yea id put a b1 pipe and then maybe get a bike or a cheap banshee (theres a nice one for 850 here (which needs coil) im selling as 4stroke cant handle my riding style and if anything breaks on it its cost alot more to fix then 2stroke! im not sure if im going to swap for the blaster or not though!
umm those 450s get ran to the ground at races. trust me it will handle your style. if your gonna get a 2 stroke get a 250r not a blaster. but i would keep the yfz
I'd trade it. But only cause you could get the blaster and 1200 which you just said you could buy a pipe and a banshee with the extra money. Then you would have 2 decent quads that could easily beat a 450 with the right stuff into it.
i think i might go for it , one of my buddys said he will probaly buy the blaster aslong as it runs good and if he dosent i could just put it up for sale