
Apr 15, 2010
Small town, ON, Canada
Entered online to get into the anual dean blundell show's sausagefest online and won. It is an invite only concert in a relitively small venue, with only a couple thousand people.

The dean blundell show is a very off colour vulgar morning radio show based in toronto thay makes my stomache hurt everymorning from laughing.
Definately should check out their podcasts

Anyways, it is a concert/party 19+ which is the legal drinking age here

Performing artists are Public enemy, the sheep dogs, the reason, and my favourite, the salads.

I am pretty pumped, and should be well lubricated by the end of the night
but i'd watch getting all lubed up at a snausagefest, you may end up walking funny in the morning
but i'd watch getting all lubed up at a snausagefest, you may end up walking funny in the morning

lmao. im starting to wonder about you whitty, saying your hopefully gonna get lubed up at a sausage fest...? oh well i guess its better than dry...lmao
Man I wish I were canadian sometimes only a little 70mile pond called lake erie. (Huff) Canada the place of dreams where french canadian women are stripping on lightpoles where mailwomen come to open a dick in a box. lol
Sorry had to do it Sounds sick though bro whare else can you go to drink at 19YRS old and drink the hard stuff listen to kick a$$ music and rock out with your weiner out while fondle titties and ride quads all day. One word Canada and scertain parts of the south in the states I guess.B)
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The choice in words was intentional lol, see how many would catch it lol, funny thing is, first 1000 people there get a free sausage, but I can't eat un-cured pork for it doesn't agree with my stomache lol
well, was there for a few hours, had some beers, but was too long before the bands started. should have been called douchebagfest, or asshatfest, bunch of morons congregated, just left and went to wild wings and had some good food, dissapointing, but at least it was free
My limb wristed twist throttle'in buddy told me mandelay cream works for pitchers AND catchers lol

Seriously, have fun dude :D