Gas prices!!!


New Member
Apr 16, 2009
X( I know this is random, but what is freaking redicules is gas prices, to some it may not be alot, but when a month ago i could fill my tank up for 20 dollers on the cent it was okay, how ever, i just went and filled it up, 20 only gave me 3/4 of a tank.
drive around more gas will be cheaper lol thats how it works they should have a set price at $2.00 thats perfect.Opecs trying to raise prices because they have barrells of oil just sitting f*ckin arabs
You don't remember gas being 4.50 less than a year ago?

I don't know about you guys but I was getting ready to sell my pickup.

edit: On a side note, countries across the Atlantic always pay double compared what we do.
$1.99 for a gal of gas isn't bad. What I don't like is when the price of race fuel goes up and I've got to shell out $7.50 a gallon for 110.
i remember when it was 4.50. that was just stupid then, i refused to drive my car, i just rode my bike, any thing to far o well.