Bel Ray MC 1 50:1 is perfect for my Banshee and Blaster. I ran 50:1 for 5 years in my 96 with no problem and 50:1 for the last two years in my wifes 2000 Blaster and my 2000 Banshee.
BTW I worked at a Yamaha dealership in the service dept. for 5 years, 2 of that as service manager. I don't claim to know everything but I used to deal with big time engine builders and they recommend the 50:1 ratio. As long as your jetted correctly you won't have a problem.
i use 50:1 to break it in , only time i could see 50:1 is an old outboard , if you can make it work more power to you , mine runs amazing with 32:1 93 octane with Lucas octane booster
in responce to the post , GET RID OF THE OIL INJECTION ASAP!!! they always fail sooner or later , pull the tube seal it and premix , if you dont youll be saying f*ck he told me so later : )