Front Wheel spacer contest!!!

i got my pj 34mm carb for 80shipped on ebay for my BLASTER and being in canada shipping always kills me so that was a pretty good deal for me. oh and it came with a brand new cable and cover with a couple extra jets to
i got my pj 34mm carb for 80shipped on ebay for my BLASTER and being in canada shipping always kills me so that was a pretty good deal for me. oh and it came with a brand new cable and cover with a couple extra jets to

good deal.. i been searching for a carb for like a month now. saw a few good deals but forgot to bid and lost like a dumbass BLASTER
i always wanted to train mma or box but never had the money for it when i was young, then when i get my own job i have 2 kids right away so still no money/time besides for my BLASTER of course
thats another thing im in the military so i never know when i will be around and what not and around here you have to pay a year gym fee to box and im lucky when im home 3-4 months out of the year total. so doesn't leave much time for the BLASTER i mean kids lol