Fresh rebuild


Dec 12, 2011
Northern Michigan
How's this? Leakdown was not as good. Dropped from 6psi to 3 in five minutes. Has new crank seals but I didn't know about the collar leaking til now. Everything is tight no bubbles that I can see which leads me to the collar. I'll pick up some ultra copper rtv tomorrow and re check leakdown...


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7 psi. chec the gauge before tearng anything apart. Leaky gauge will give you a bad reading anyway. Make sure thetool is air tight before the motor.
I had the same exact problem last week. I tore it all back apart and put yamabond on the collar. I will air test tomorrow and post results.
7psi for at least 5 mins, I test for 10 mins

If it is the collar or seal tell tale bubbles will come from the tranny breather tube, check first before taking side off.
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