alright so i go to my firneds house on the blaster and was talking to him his dad and his dads friend well of course8-| the topic came up about the blasty well his dads friend goes hes got a vitos cylinder in there u put it on better hold the f*** on so i look at it and my firned goes if u give him a kiss on the check and show him some booty he might let u have it his da goes screw it take the damn thing but i didnt tell u the other part about it after i looked when they showed me but il let the pics talk for that
so its got some prot work done but its most likey gana need a bore so i taking it to yamaha to see what they say and that stuff but hell i got it for free if its screwed its screwed i didnt pay a dime for it but whats the sure way to tell if its a vitos not like i care it was free but id like to kno