found somethin at my gfs new ish house

Jul 4, 2009
caledonia mn
like the title says i found an old moto 4 100 under a pile of stuff second gear is out so ima get a tranny off flea bay and through it together so she can get used to quads i dont want her riding the blasty untill she can a use a clutch and b keep a quad under control lol and we also took a motor i found at the junk yard and put in her brothers golf cart with diferent belts and im trying to let him let me jet it but he wont and btw its a 2 stroke motor lol but its super rich and he thinks its the govener but i try to tell him 2 strokes dont have one and err its confusing but it goes like 35 so im happy and we put fog lights on it, and since the blaster is basically done i got myself a new toy hehe lol i got a 78 yamaha xs 1100 special that cylinder 1 and 3 are locked from sitting in a dirt shed 2 winters ago it has tranny fluid in the cylinders so hopfully in a week it will be free and i can start it but im in welding to class so im gonna make a 2into 1intake for the carbs so it will have 2 carbs instead of 1 and im gonna have a forced air intake and also im gonna hard tail it and make it into a singler back bone frame instead of a dub, if i could put pics from my fone of the cart and moto 4 on here i would if some 1 noes how pm me your num so i can send u the pics lol
let you gf try a blaster first man mine did and she got it her 2nd try and never rode before but i like to say im the best teacher for this and yeah lol but that is a cool find and gl with it all
well i have tyhe fire breather and ive flipped it on my a%$ already in 3rd doin a power weelie down a field and i dont want her to let the clutych out to fast and hurt her self, i have her practicing the clutch on a 86 xl 80 shes gettin perty good
like the title says i found an old moto 4 100 under a pile of stuff second gear is out so ima get a tranny off flea bay and through it together so she can get used to quads i dont want her riding the blasty untill she can a use a clutch and b keep a quad under control lol and we also took a motor i found at the junk yard and put in her brothers golf cart with diferent belts and im trying to let him let me jet it but he wont and btw its a 2 stroke motor lol but its super rich and he thinks its the govener but i try to tell him 2 strokes dont have one and err its confusing but it goes like 35 so im happy and we put fog lights on it, and since the blaster is basically done i got myself a new toy hehe lol i got a 78 yamaha xs 1100 special that cylinder 1 and 3 are locked from sitting in a dirt shed 2 winters ago it has tranny fluid in the cylinders so hopfully in a week it will be free and i can start it but im in welding to class so im gonna make a 2into 1intake for the carbs so it will have 2 carbs instead of 1 and im gonna have a forced air intake and also im gonna hard tail it and make it into a singler back bone frame instead of a dub, if i could put pics from my fone of the cart and moto 4 on here i would if some 1 noes how pm me your num so i can send u the pics lol

i don't have the patience to read, but cool dude