04 yamaha 450 banshee for sale in Donegal : €800 - DoneDeal.ie looks like a beast waiting to be let out of its cage ...and he said he might swap for my bike
i didnt know they had an A/M jugs that made a 350cc shee motor an even 450cc ????
still worth the money if it runs, i'd look for a serious airleak, frayed carb cable, or hung up carb slide as the culprit to high revving
Yea just rang him he said not intrestrd in the boike anymore....but would tale 650 cash as he just wants it gone
i would keep your yfz. banshee looks really beat to crap, your yfz looks like a beast, keep it. i would take a yfz over a banshee anyday, sorry 2 stroke guys lol