Fork seals


New Member
Aug 13, 2009
fixing to have to do fork seals and im just wonderin what oil level i need in a 94 kx 250?
also how hard of a job is it? ive beening watchin the rma videos for it and it doesn't look hard but they have also done it before too
ok iv done this about 2 times now it is kinda tricky and will cost you some money the 1st time for the specialty parts you need if you dont have a impact.. if you have an impact youl need to build some stuff out of nuts and bolts if you are like me and not rich.. but youl need a manuel to find out how much oil to put in.. i would get a manuel because they do very well in explaining it and how to put the oil in.. yes there is a certain way you have to put the oil in certain steps to get it in every crack.. but a manuel is a must it tells you how much oil to use and the mininum amount and max amout to use to set up closer for your weight... i can give you some more gidlines if you want it but a manuel is a must buy