Fixing my 98 Blaster.... Need help!!


New Member
Jun 15, 2011
Orangeville, Ont, Canada
ok so i figured i'll start a new thread of my project i got and you guys can delete my previous one.

So first off i bought my first atv 98 yamaha blaster 200 got it cheap as it needs some clutch/engine work. previous owner said it ran good but doesn;t move cause of a bad clutch plate...

i fired it up seems to run and idle ok BUT i held the clutch in and shifted it to 1st and when i did that i just barly felt it kick into gear... when i release the clutch to take off... nothing... it doesn't move at all or make any odd noises / grinding..... but with engine off i can shift through all the gears without no problems.

i put it up on stand at the moment with engine off i shifted it into gear but the rear wheel still seem to spin easily even while in gear... you can hear the gears spining inside the engine but the piston doesn't move.... it shoudl shoulgn't it? thats how you would bump start it.....

also another thing looks like someone removed the oil injection pump as far as i can tell... looking at the pics does it look like it was done right?

i'm probrably going to have to end up rebuilding it but i would like to figure out what exactly is wrong with it first before i start tearing into it and spending money.

So with that said where do you guys think i should start???? any help is appreciated.



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The oil injector is removed correctly. There is just no cover now, which is fine. The small metal piece with the center is blocking where the oil injector was.

Have you taken a look at the clutch? I'm not a master with them but some pictures and many people will be able to help you. Might as well take the previous owner's word (for now) and see if it is assembled correctly or in need to repair.

Best of luck!
Looks good for two bones. Start with either a Clymers manual or find the download manual somewhere on the site. Clutch pack off e-gay or RMATV , etc
yeh my next step is to remove the clutch cover and see whats going on there. i know a little about these engine but never had one apart so i'm learning as i go along lol. try and bare with me.

so i gotta drain the trans oil first then remove the bolts around the cover and probrably the kickstarter. then once thats off what do i look for? should i remove all the clutch plates and check them?

would a bad clutch cause the problems i mentioned? or does it sound like something more internal?
ok so i spent a few mintues looking at the clutch and around it. i found lot's of "grit" type sludge sitting at the bottom of the case...

also i put it into 1st gear and spun the tires. only the metal plates in the clutch turn if i apply some pressure to the pressure plate it and spin the tires while in gear the pressure plate seems like it wants to grab.. like it should be doing. so i think the clutch is completly gone and it's just slipping so bad thats why it won't move at all.

what do you guys think?
well did some more progress on the blaster this morning... decided to go ahead and pull the clutch plates off. i found one fiber plate with the fibers completly gone on it thats why there was alot of "grit" type sludge on the bottom of the case. the metal plates are black / burnt looking. and there was one really thin "spring" plate right at the back.

also i've been reading around and found out that after you pull th pressure plate off that there would be a rod and ball bearing in the center shaft. well after i pulled the plate off i tipped the quad over and 2 ball bearings fell out aswell as the longer shaft.... i thought there was only one ball bearing? or am i wrong?

another thing that worried me is that the inner lip on the pressure plater looks worn.. is this gonna be ok or does it need replacing? and the outter clutch basket has play in it if hold the gear on the back of it i can wiggle the clutch basket a bit. i heard this is no good? can it be fixed?

here are some pics hopefully i can get some input.

here you can see the 2 ball bearings that i found

the washer under the nut is all smushed and started to shear and break apart. i don't knwo why...

clutch plates.... u can see the really bad one on the top right..

close up of it
Yeh I'n gonna order a new barnett clutch next week. But what I am worried about or can't figure out it why there is 2 ball bearings.. Shouldn't there only be one? From what I read? Also what about the play on the clutch basket? Can I leave it for now or will it cause problems?
sooooo anyone know why there are 2 ball bearings????????? also you guys think i'll be needing a new pressure plate?

i want to go ahead and order everything i need this week so by next weekend i can have her up and running again......

is there a write up somewhere on how to install the clutch and adjust the clutch and pressure plate?
there should only be one bearing, and thats not a stock clutch, stock springs but not plates...

and yes it needs replaced, and i would get a driveline clutch over a barrnet
so why in the world did i find two ball bearings in mine then? could the second one have fallen out of somehwere else?

i'm going to price out a clutch as well as a new pressure plate. pretty sure it's worn as it has a little "lip" on the inside edge and won't be sitting flat against the clutch plates.
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Anybody else notice this is is it just the camera angle?

The gear on the crank that turns the clutch basket looks phukced!!

I may be just opical distortion but to me looks like theres teeth worn down flat, teeth worn into sharp points, and a few corners chipped off?

You said the gear on the clutch basket was wobbly loose from the basket?
That runs against the crank gear and if the dont meet up perfect,,,,,

And if theres all this crap in there then its inside where the gears are to!!