So, I'm new to the blaster scene, and recently I was given an older blaster from a co-worker. He said it needed rings and was already taken apart. So I plan on doing a full ground up restoration and rebuild. The plastics are white that have been painted black and chipping like crazy, they have no cracks or breaks what so ever, so I plan on sand blasting and restoring. Anywayyy I plan on having the machine work done by kenoconnorracing. I've already got a wiseco forged piston kit (68mm), Maier skid plate(it was on sale for 50$ shipped lol), DG pipe that came with it, and Moose carb rebuild kit(gonna sell or trade it off, as I've decided to upgrade the carb). I plan on using a Vitos +3 crank, a port job from kenn, but I'm undecided on what would be the best carb to get? In the future I plan on doing the 240 big bore so I'm taking that into consideration with my carb purchase. Any recommendations? I'll have pics up by the weekend as I'm doing the frame blasting and painting then