Finally got a good plug chop pic - opinion?


Mar 4, 2013
I did a plug chop today... kinda surprised.

I started it, ran a short wot run, got on the road, and ran about 1/4 mile wot run, turned around as fast as i could (not at wot tho obviously) and ran 1/4 mile wot back, all the way to 6th. I'm pretty sure I'm rich down low, not sure how much of an effect that will have for the less then 10 seconds it wasnt at wot though.

There is cardboard behind it, and bright white paper below it, for extra good picture quality lol

BTW, this is on a 99 with full fmf fatty + pc2, no airbox lid, uni filter(freshly cleaned & oiled), 28mm mikuni with a weird needle and needle jet, needle second from top, 35 pilot(32.5 on order), and 230 main jet (yes i know. 250-270-280 wouldnt get on pipe, only sputter)

Any thoughts on this blaster w/ no air box lid and full fmf on a 230 main??


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plug looks good, but it's a contaminated plug chop run, you can't "turn around" at low rpm/throttle positions, that allowed the pilot and needle circuts to add color to the plug also.

you must warm it up on a spare plug, get to WOT spot, swap a new plug in, do your WOT run then kill it while WOT, come to a stop and pull that plug and ride back home on a spare plug.
Something is way wrong. There is no way a stock jet with no lid and full pipe would be that rich, even if you hadn't done chop procedure correct.
Something is way wrong. There is no way a stock jet with no lid and full pipe would be that rich, even if you hadn't done chop procedure correct.

it's a 28mm ??? do they use the same jetting range as 26mm ??
too rich of needle/setting ??? (he mentions "weird needle")
Needle is 5f21, stock is 5j22-2 I think. Needle jet is a Q4 182... I think. Don't know what factory needle jet is. I've tried higher jets that I feel should be right, (highest I have is 280) it ran awful. sputtered all over the place. Would barely climb hills, very flat throttle response. 250 main got better. Took it down to 230, runs good, pulls good. All standard genuine Mikuni jets so far.

I understand that briefly running at idle/low throttle could affect it, but I wanted to get an idea of how it ran, and I didn't plan it out.. It was more of a spur of the moment thing. My big question is why is it running well at a 230 vs. where it probably should be -- ~280? I know when your main is too big it can be an air leak. I've checked the float level umpteen times, and had a hard time finding a solid measurement on where I should measure and what it should measure, but from what I've found, I've set the float to 15mm -- range is 15-17. from top of main jet boss to floats. Using a digital caliper. It is confusing to me.
not too much info on here concerning mikuni 28mm's
mostly keihin 28's

i'd give this dude a call, he straightened me right out on my 34 pj, my needle was way off, the one he suggested and sold me screams !!

Carburetor Parts Warehouse
As long as i see white smoke (oil being burnt) i know its getting good lubrication!

Be very wary about seeing smoke an knowing that it is getting lubricated well, if the AFR is wrong no amount of lubrication will save a motor if it is running lean.

Many people fall into this trap, they see smoke and think that is all hunky dory and continue to ride on regardless.

If the Air fuel mixture is too lean on gas, the motor will still blow copious amounts of smoke and proceed to destroy itself.

Smoke is no indication of a healthy 2 stroke motor.
Yours is the carb that the float rides on two pins in the bowl? And we couldn't find good info on float setting? You would think that it would still be simular jet ranges. Genuine Micuni jets, not some aftermarket jet kit?
That is the carb i posted about earlier. That article you posted was by far the best thing I've found on it, and i cant remember exactly what it was, but something wasnt quite the same on it vs the diagram. But that range was 15-17, its at 15 currently. All jets used so far are genuine. Do have a phoney 240 jet I may try if i have problems.