

New Member
Apr 28, 2008
i know some of you have to have some pretty good fighting stories, win or lose it doesnt matter, ill go first (not bein racist i got mexican and black cousins)
it was about 2 years ago and me and my friend just went to a local pizza joint and got some pizza bread we where walking back to meet up with some girls we where with that didnt want to go get pizza with us so it was like a 2 or 3 block walk, right as we where crossing the tracks some black kids i knew came up to me and my friend there where about 4 of them i knew 3 of them and one i didnt, one of them was mexican, all of a sudden bam right to the side of my eye from behind, right in the middle of my town, i just started walking away up the hill a block to where the girls where, my friend followed, when i got there i layed down and started throwing up, well the dumb folks followed us up there, we where at a church now just sitting by a bench, the kid started talking more sh*t and wanted to fight me, the same kid that blind sided me not 5 minutes earlier, well my friend saw i was hurt and wasnt gonna let that happen so my friend started fighting him, then the nigger said he was done, the nigger i didnt know earlier threw him to the ground and started beating his ass and kicking him and sh*t calling him a pussy for not kicking my ass when i was down, and thats when the cops showed up, they keep insisting i was on drugs or was drunk because i was throwing up, as some one called the cops because of the kids kicking the other on, well after about 15 minutes of them harrasing me and accousing me of being on drugs, they called an ambulance, when they arrived they started putting me on a strecher and put a neck brace on me, well i ripped the neck brace off and started cussin them out f*ck this and f*ck that, as i thought i was perfectly fine, well when we finally got to the hospital, they did a cat scan and i found out i had a fractured orbital ( broken eye socket ) , and the bad part was my parents where in a meeting and there phones where off, after waiting 2 hours with out any pain medication, i finally got some, and when i say some i mean a lot, i got addmited to the hospital and had to wait over night to have surgery, that night was hell, well in the morning i got surgery and all went well, got 14 stiches under my eye, and couldnt ride the blasty for 2 months, or swim or do anything fun in the summer time, the day i had surgery was the 4th of july, ruined the plans of my family going to the lake house and we had to do it later,
well i hope you guys liked my story i know its a bit long and some might not read it all, sorry if i offfended any one, it was not my intensions but you have to under stand,THEY DID THIS ALL BECAUSE WE ARE WHITE, i know not all black people are like this and i have no problem with those people,
well after all that i better hear some good ones!!B-)
ya i know i have them but there on my other comp and it aint workin now mabye i can put them on a flash drive, dont worry ill get em
the black kids are the same way here in GA not all but most. The last fight i got into wasnt this past new year but the one before. i was at a friends party and my girlfriend i have now her ex the one i took her from was there and has had a grude on me for awhile so when i was leaving i was pretty tipsy he came out saying some stuff then hit me and this was the logest fight i had been in it lasted 15 min. give or take its because we were the only ones outside well i thought after it was over it was a pretty close fight turns out i broke his nose and that bone that u had broke all i had was a busted lip and bloody nose. he was sober i was tipsy i would love to go again when i am sober and then see the outcome. thats my story have plenty more.
Tyler2277 :Location: chicago

That sucks that you live in the city, I can't stand big cities like that. I live in a town of about 700 people and can only think of one black family in the whole town. Where or when do you get to ride your blasty?
well im not right in down town im about 15 minutes away from it, but i got a lake house that i got to bout every weekend and i ride there
lol, i had a similar fight except i was walking down the street, this was when i was 17 and lived in columbus, ohio! but i made a mistake when walking by some bums and wiped out my pack of cigs, sparked on up and was just strolin along by myself! Then all a sudden someone ran up and pushed me down from behind and 4 black kids commeneced to just kickin the sh*t out of me! I had my wallet with like $50 somthing odd dollars in it and all they took was my cigs! But i had some nice cuts and scaps, black eye and 2 fat ass lips, but nothing broken! that sums up my beat down story! lol
ya it was it cost about 30 grand for surgery and to stay at the hospital my other comp is about toasted so i cant find ne pics but i wish i could get a gun only 15 tho and no one in my family has a foid card so i guess ill have to wait till im 18 :(