Few pics of riding.


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Rode at our local atv place with my cousin on his honda 450r. Got to ride on the camp grounds at his cabin pretty cool felt like i was driving in town since i rode to the store and pool etc.
heres the only crappy pics in got.



Zwister Well i got the sprocket from you then tore it down then put it back together in a short amount of time that includes polishing and fixing little things here and there. Was so crunched for time i was putting it together a lil when my cousin pulled in the drove way to pic me up. I am getting new reeds,coil, and doing some jetting next week if i find the deals and am planning on putting on the sprocket then but it will have a ride report.

she is clean again. haha 3 days of mud not being clean was horrible that car was was after 1 day and it was just a rinse.