
blasty 95

May 15, 2011
Does anyone have any vids of what the f7 sounds like if so could you post a vid ive never heard what it sounds like thanks..
i have a vid of just installed F7, but like dakota above, it is not with the F7 silencer, it's with an LRD silencer, so the sound is muffled compared to the F7 silencer on my son's bike, it sounds like a 250 dirtbike

it's the silencer that produces the distinct sound note, and how tightly it is packed, not the pipe itself
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heres the best sound i could find of mine, i like how you can hear it at a distance at 7/10 seconds, disregaurd the 4poke in the second 1/2, LOL

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Yeah my dad has one an i absolutley love the sound an the performance of it my dads port job isnt crazy basicly just cleaned up all the stock casting flaws an a milled head an she screams from the bottom to the top... it loses that lag that the toomey doesnt have on the bottom after the port job
Slick thats always good to hear!!!! I really wanted a dyno port but 375 for cermaic coating i just dont got the extra 50 since im 15 with no job stretchn my budget...cant go wrong with f7 an its chrome