engine cases

You can use 400° in an oven ORRRRRR use a mapp gas torch to heat the aluminum around the bearing hole. Either way combined with freezing, the bearings should practically fall in (as long as you don't try to install them weiner-eyed LOL!)
just use a mapp gas torch and heat the races up...with frozen bearings they''ll drop in
edit: civic beat me lol
Thanks guys this my first rebuild, so I just wanna be careful.....when I split the cases my friends told me to heat them to remove the old bearings.... well i didnt have a torch so I soaked them with Pb blaster and a day later took a big socket and rubber mallet and boom boom they eased right out...NOTE: I was scared to death swinging that mallet LMFAO
no, no, no cutting torch, the mapp gas refered to above is just different gas, in a yellow tank for a small plumbing torch tip, but i have used just regular propane, just keep the flame moving not staying in one spot for too long which ever gas you use, you want to heat it evenly

or use the oven, i too remember 400/450 being the magic number
I've used a #4 welding tip Oxy-acetylene to heat bearing bosses. It will heat the cases equally as well but Awk's warning about moving the whole time becomes twice as imperative if you do use the oxy-fuel rig.
freeze the bearing, and just use a propane torch to heat the part you want to expand.. probably for about a couple minutes is good enough, don't let it cool though get to work quickly