
New Member
Nov 4, 2009
Heres a pic of the stage 6 egt
I was told 5 inches from the cylinder and 1000 to 1100 was optimal and 1150 was too hot. I only read 850, which shoud mean rich but the plug says differant, so i moved it closer to 3 inches and it read the same. So still figuring it out. I have a lazer also so between the 2 I'll figure out my best temp range
Hows this working out for you?Did you get it dialed in yet?I am curious to see if they work like they state.
good stuff gibby, keep us posted to the results
and whats the price on such a device ?????
Well did find out Sun that when it hits 882 it is hot, had a leaking head gasket. It records the high temp and current temp. U can set a high temp and if u reach that it blinks red. Jordan saw it blinking and pulled into the pits (good boy) and sure enough 882 which is where I had it set at for the warning. The head with the gun read strange thing is the cylinder was only 248. I have had cylinder temps of 380 with no effects...havent fried a piston yet (knock on wood). So anyway with this egt and where I have the probe 850 is probably the high temp I want. I havent messed with the mid range yet. I will soon so I can set the needle accordingly. This is a cheap on as far as egt's go, but I'm happy with it. I got through a local sponsor Gforce racing, but retail is around 139 I believe. I would recommend it for a safety feature if nothing else. It will warn u before melt down lol
Testy topic(no pun intended :p) External cylinder temps and coolant temps are quite obviously much they are the method of cooling(however I still use them and extrapolate as I don't have an EGT). I have no experience with EGT with ATVs and dirtbikes, so I can't comment comment much. This would be a better topic for people with knowledgeable experience and builders to comment on, but a helpful tool nonetheless. Internal cylinder temps are much higher with a confined and compressed burn of whatever type and octane fuel you are using. Temps inside the cylinder are WELL over 1500 degrees F. EGT probes are VERY sensitive to type of probe and position of probe. As far as 882 being too high or low?........quite frankly, I have no clue.....stuff that like is dependent on location and cumulative results of that engine setup through reproducible results. My guess would be it is alright on stock exhaust port, but maybe a bit high dependent on port setup and pipe.
I have had many EGT's on my bikes (and race cars) over the years.

I have always installed the probe 6 inches from the face of the piston. At perfect tune, 1250 is max. 1345 degrees and the aluminum piston will melt. 1080-1100 degrees is where my stuff worked well.

digatron makes good units. Digatron - Performance Data Acquisition Systems - lap timing&engine monitoring gauges

I had built years ago billet top handlebar clamps with a single bung to hold a single or dual display unit.

I still have a couple left in packages.
so oregon, any thoughts on why i only reach 882 on the egt. Ive had the probe at 6 inches from the piston and now at 3 with no change. And that 882 is over 400 on the cylinder?