eBay cylinder/piston kits and stock bore-size.


New Member
Sep 29, 2015
Hi all.

A Blaster newbie here. I recently found a good deal on a Blaster and my cousin went and picked it up for his son. It ran okay and everything was in check (besides the front bar being bent and plastic fractures). But the engine noise was described by my cousin as a pinging noise but when I heard it, it sounded more like piston slap.

Nonetheless, I pulled the exhaust off and shone a torch into the cylinder and right there was a chipped piston. Then I took the head off and surprisingly it was in not too bad shape. Just a very small nick but otherwise in good shape. Then I took the cylinder off and revealed a piston ring had snapped (about 1/4 of it was missing) and the other one was stuck in the piston. There is also some knicks around the exhaust port where the ring must have hit before breaking off. So it's impressive it still ran (although quite poorly). So I need a full top end done and I think my options are:

1. Use current cylinder and get it honed and ported near the exhaust port, and use Yamaha Genuine parts.

2. Use current cylinder (same as work as point 1) and use a aftermarket piston (probably Wiseco but they're not significantly cheaper than Genuine Yamaha)

3. Use an eBay cylinder kit including piston (No idea who makes it but likely to be sourced from China).

I have emailed two local shops (on that specializes in 2 strokes) to get a quote to freshen up the cylinder. But pending their prices I'll have to gauge where to go.

Another option is to overbore but I'd prefer to stay with stock for maximum reliability.

I measured the cylinder with two sets of calipers (digital and normal) and they were 65.58 and 65.6mm respectively, measured just under the 2nd ring. So I'm guessing that's stock bore.

Has anyone on here had experience with those eBay cylinders? Best overbore?

I tried searching the forum but didn't have much luck.

I also have to look at the brakes (they're very very bad) bit I thought I'd get the engine done first.
Yea it's still on its stock bore. However to use the OEM cylinder it will need a bore/hone to freshen it up. Going up to the next except able size won't hurt the reliability of the engine. Your simply cleaning up the cylinder.

STAY AWAY from the cheap kits on eBay, they are no good.

Check out this website:

He's a great builder with good prices.
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Yea it's still on its stock bore. However to use the OEM cylinder it will need a bore/hone to freshen it up. Going up to the next except able size won't hurt the reliability of the engine. Your simply cleaning up the cylinder.

STAY AWAY from the cheap kits on eBay, they are no good.

Check out this website:

He's a great builder with good prices.

Thanks for the reply! Yeah, I'm very dubious about those eBay cylinders but was wondering if anyone on here had anything positive to say about them. I'll have to look into overboring then since it would be extra power!
Stock Blaster bore size is 66mm

Thanks for your reply Ken. I'd love to send this Blaster cylinder to you (and a couple of CR125 cylinders) but the cost of shipping such items would be prohibitive (From Australia). Nonetheless, I still enjoy your YouTube videos and learnt quite a bit as well so thank you very much for that (The KX Sleeve video was hilarious, can't imagine how badly it performed like that)..
Shipping from the land of OZ isn't that bad. I shipped a huge order this year to one of your mates. It ran about $60 US per box. That's about the same cost as shipping an engine from California. I would sell the mess you bought off of E-Bay, get a real cylinder in the US off of E-bay and have it shipped to my shop. Get some porting and a head mod and never look back. Trust me, I'm a gynecologist! Glad you like the vids my friend.
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Shipping from the land of OZ isn't that bad. I shipped a huge order this year to one of your mates. It ran about $60 US per box. That's about the same cost as shipping an engine from California. I would sell the mess you bought off of E-Bay, get a real cylinder in the US off of E-bay and have it shipped to my shop. Get some porting and a head mod and never look back. Trust me, I'm a gynecologist! Glad you like the vids my friend.

That is quite well priced. Well the Blaster isn't mine (I'm just doing the top end to help out) and my cousin wants it to be honed by a local guy for now. But I'll definitely look into sending some CR125 cylinders in the future. And I was mostly interested in what the (most likely) Chinese quality kits were like. On other forums people have bought Chinese made pistons for multi-cylinder 4 stroke bikes with (apparently) good results. Personally, I don't get anything except genuine or reputable aftermarket parts.
1. A cylinder that has sustained that much abuse definetely needs to be bored.
2. Have it bored by somebody that specializes in 2 strokes. (Not an automotive machine shop)
3. If you ignore 1 and 2, you will be back here asking what to do about your broken cases.
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^^That's a good point. The regular machine shops around here wont touch 2 strokes because of the ports. 'course I live in a one horse town. lol