Don't let friends touch your ATVs.....


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
Smithville, ON, Canada
So I am never letting my friends touch any of my quads again (derp), we were riding down a trail that was essentially where train tracks had been ripped out, the ties were left there, we were riding beside them, I took my friends' CanAm Outlander and he took my sportsman 450 and not 5 minutes into riding after the swap, he clips a tie that is jutting out from the tracks and is thrown off my ATV, my quad didn't roll over, it went up on its left side, then bombed into the ditch and came to a stop right side up and idling. My friend on the other hand, flew off about 15 feet and landed on his side, he was unconscious for a few seconds walked away with a sprained ankle, bruised shin, bruised femur, and bruised left hip, and some internal damage. Needless to say he took his own f%#&ing quad after that.


He would only crash when not riding his own damn machine.
I don't ask to ride someone else's quad and I don't let them ride mine . That's the quickest way to lose a friend
unconscious as in "damn, you got knocked the fug out",
or just the wind knocked out of him ????
was a helmet present on his noggin ???
did he go to the E.R and get checked ????
if not he should, a hard hit like that can tear livers, spleens aorta's ect. ect.
And now that you bring it up awk..... I just realized that I've never been actually knocked out. Just the lights are on but no ones home. lol
unconscious as in "damn, you got knocked the fug out",
or just the wind knocked out of him ????
was a helmet present on his noggin ???
did he go to the E.R and get checked ????
if not he should, a hard hit like that can tear livers, spleens aorta's ect. ect.

He was wearing a dirt bike helmet, He actually blacked out for a few seconds, then it's like waking up in a different world til you realize what happened. I had it happen once or twice before. And yes we went to the doctor's just after on quads (lol) that's where the accurate list of injuries came from, he is fine, just really sore.
any time u are knocked unconcious, it is a concussion and should be treated like it, just make sure he dont hit his head for a while lol

i know my concussions lol, learn from experience
any time u are knocked unconcious, it is a concussion and should be treated like it, just make sure he dont hit his head for a while lol

i know my concussions lol, learn from experience

I think that was the least of his worries. If the quad rolled on him (which it very nearly did) then he would be in the ER for real or dead. It's a heavy machine and we were doing around 30, He's such a lucky bastard.