detuning and wheel spacers!


New Member
Jan 4, 2015
Not very long ago I bought an 06 blaster, everything's standard except the guy messsed with the carburretor to make it run leaner, runs ok just isn't taking over when idle. Does anyone know how to detune it and make it take over?Also, the axle is stock and would like to know some good spacers that will make me notice a difference, I do jumps and stuff so they need to be strong, and cheap, under £70(UK)? Thanks
Im not really sure what you mean when you say,, Does anyone know how to detune it and make it take over? do you mean the tors system? Either way regardless of anything you will want to pull the carb and see what jetting is in there now. also perform a leak down test, an air leak can and will have an erratic idle.. For jumps and stuff like that I would recommend an extended axle but durablue makes some nice solid wheel spacers.
heres a home image of durablue wheel spacers.
they are actually hard plastic/did not know that till i dropped about 250 bucks/others are aluminum/or just the stud exteders that many people have had successs with/for like 30bucks.I personally did not want to hit like 60mph with just extended stud.....5in rear 3in front pictured
Idle speed adjustment.

Set float level, make sure that all jets are clean and fuel flows freely from the float bowl drain when the screw is cracked open.

Start with air screw 1.5 turns out.

Set idle screw so that it has some sort of idle. With TORS it is the big screw under seat on top of unit. With no TORS is is the brass screw midway down carb body.

Warm up motor and then set idle screw for a faster idle, 2000rpm+

Adjust air screw either way to get the fastest idle.

Adjust air screw a little at a time leaving 10 secs or until the motor responds.

Re adjust idle screw for desired idle .