desktop weather widget


Staff member
Jan 30, 2009
heres the little desktop weather widget from the local pittsburgh alternative radio station 105.9 the x,
i use to see whats happening weather wise in my area or national too.
for you southern bros....during hurricane season the radar is very cool, theres a tab for "hurricanes" after you click "radar"

i mainly look at my local 7 day forecast, and the radar does not lie like the weatherman, if you see it coming, it is !!!!!!
just enter your local zipcode, and it will set-up for your local area.
you can also listen to live radio, my favorite station ever !!!
and for you penguins fans, this station is a must, live broadcast of all games and complete "pens page" on the website
and the "daily thong" calender on there comes in handy too, hahaaaa, its under the "on demand" button

guarenteed spyware, adware and malware free !!!!
click this link, fill out the form and your zipcode to download, pretty cool little app.
105.9 The X
I'm not a big desktop widget fan. If I wanna know the weather I just go to weather underground ( pretty well been right so far, definitely closer than the weather liar has been recently.
a lot of the reasons people dont like the widgets is they allow them to run all the time,
i only fire this up if i wanna see the weather, or listen to my favorite radio station
agreed with awk.seems like the lil weather thing makes my internet slower if its running all the time.

just as any program running uneeded slows the whole puter down, only run what ya need at that time
I use The Weather Channel desktop.
I like it over some others I've tried because you can bring up the map and track a storm over the course of an hour.
That way I get to guess what I think it gonna do lol
/\/\/\ i use the radar on this widget to "guess" myself, so far i've been doing way better than our local "accuguess" weatherman !!!!!