Jan 27, 2008
north nj
I was talking with my neighbor yesterday and he was telling me that he was riding in the feilds, were we all ride!!! and was on his way back through the woods and apperently, some total scumbag put a peice of wire across the path.......and well he caught it, now he has 37 stinches in his chin and missing a tooth, he is in bad shape! so just wanted to say to keep your eyes peeled for stupid sh*t like this, when yall are tearing it up out there!
tht also happened to my bro if u look hard on my blaster photo it is cut up where the oil thing is
yea for real i can get another blaster cant get another bro well i could but it wouldnt be the same
thats not right what the landowners due especially putting a thin wire up that could cut someones head off they have been known to do it around where i live..but the exact reason alot of them do it is because of what u just said.."i should of sued them" thats why alot of people dont like people on there ground because everyone is sue happy..And some landowners are just assholes period like some of my neigbors..... good point to becareful out there though
thats not right what the landowners due especially putting a thin wire up that could cut someones head off they have been known to do it around where i live..but the exact reason alot of them do it is because of what u just said.."i should of sued them" thats why alot of people dont like people on there ground because everyone is sue happy..And some landowners are just assholes period like some of my neigbors..... good point to becareful out there though

this is soooooooooooooooo true thats why theres no where to ride ppll try to sue for any thing but srry to here about youf boy tho thats just plain f*cked up what some ppll do
Just reading this makes me angry. Had it happen to me someone would be gettin a riding boot mustache.
What a cowardly thing to do......
i would never do that to anyone but i only let my buddies on our land to ride just like a few others said! every one is sue happy! they say their cool until they get a bill in the mail they dont want to pay and they want to sue the land owner for getting hurt! Its bullshit both ways! if i see people on our land i dont know i just ask them to leave, but its only that way here cause every one cuts the damn fence to croos onto our property if they would just leave the fences alone and not tare sh*t up no one would care!!! when somone is nice enough to let you use their stuff (property to ride on) you should respect that like it was your own!!!
A few years ago some kid on a z400 hit a cable right next to my house. It broke his neck and he died right there. His parents tried to sue the farmer that owned the land, but lost. The land was all posted and most everyone new about that cable, but he had just moved here and just bought that z400. It was his first time taking it out.