
haha pretty good price, keep in mind that you could buy a car with that amount of money, especially at young ages..12K is something ridiculous to blow on a quad unless competing in serious races and/or racing for dough to replenish that big ass hole in your wallet.
haha pretty good price, keep in mind that you could buy a car with that amount of money, especially at young ages..12K is something ridiculous to blow on a quad unless competing in serious races and/or racing for dough to replenish that big ass hole in your wallet.
yeah i know that, i'm just saying.. for what it is, the price isnt that terrible. I:I
I understand it's a cool bike, but for that price, that is one of the most impractical purchases I can imagine.
almost 99.9% sure its a scam, just look at the pictures there from photobuket, so they could have easily been taken off there and put on ebay, 2nd reason is the guys feedback is sh*tty along with him only having 20 sales, even if i was in the market for one and had the cash to do this i wouldn't attempt bying this until i went up and seen it myself
yah mdebuck has a point there, but if that was my bike and i was selling it, i would list EVERYTHING i did to it, he didnt really list anything about it
i wouldnt want a drag machine i rather have somthin u can do everything with......if u wer gonna put that much money into a quad i rather have a mx machine or somthin