daddy 4cfed is home!!


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
thats right.. we got to come home tonight!!! gotta love a healthy wife and healthy babyno long hospital stay!!! so here we are!!!





lol.. no iwont forget about my son!! he is adaddys boy.. wants top be like me dres like me, fix wheelers and cars with me... acts like me... were spending time together tommrow so he dont feel lefts out
man i love kids. dont have any myself but thats my fault. i wanna b able to support them an myself when i do have kids. but for now i have 7 neses an 2 nefus that i babysit all the time. congrats fed.
omg yea. thats not even counting all my cuzes kids. lol like i just went out with my cuz jeff an did some fishin with his 2 year old son. it was alot of fun.
well while we are talking about kids idk what it is but all the little kids love me i was at tumbleweed and this family was leaving and this little kid looks at me and told me bye it was funny stuff like that always happens idk what it is
thats like my nefu who is 5 calls me dad right in front of my brother an it pisses him off so bad that we havent talked in almost a year now. so i never get to see brandon anymore cause of that. ill sneek over there when it just him an his mom to hang with him an take him to mcd's to get a happy meal tho
well its pry cause my bro an i dont gte along the greatest so it pisses him off cause some people call him a really bad dad even tho he trys his hardest to b there for his kids but he works construction so hes only home every other weekend to see them. so brandon use to spend alot of time with me.
well its pry cause my bro an i dont gte along the greatest so it pisses him off cause some people call him a really bad dad even tho he trys his hardest to b there for his kids but he works construction so hes only home every other weekend to see them. so brandon use to spend alot of time with me.

if he is working long hard hours to support his family and kids... he isa good father!! its the dads that are our partying or gambling spending the money that should go to there kids that are the bad ones
oh well me and my bros are really close so he would say something like that just joking around but i am 5 and 6 years younger than my bros so i am going to be a uncle soon i would say