Crank Trouble!!


New Member
Jan 6, 2009
ok well i blew my top end up and when it blew it shot the broken piece into my bottom end this then locked up my crank . i pulled the cylinder head and i f***ed with the fly wheel and unlocked the crank and sot all the shards out. So I was wondering DO I STILL NEED TO REPLACE MY CRANK? It is perfectly smooth, i feel no grinding at all. If it does need to be replaced i am gonna part my blasty =(( so if you need a part let me know also just PM me.
Probley don't need to replace it but might not be a bad idea to pull the bottom end apart and make sure there is no repnets of the piston, also to make sure the crank is still in phase.
theres no need to part with the blaster just because it MAY need a crank.
swapping a crank isnt that hard..

I would have to rebuild the bottom end and the setimate i got was 700 + rebuilding the top end it like 1200 for 1200 i could buy another blaster and swap motors
I would have to rebuild the bottom end and the setimate i got was 700 + rebuilding the top end it like 1200 for 1200 i could buy another blaster and swap motors

Thats a little high. If you need to rebuild the bottom end do it yourself. Buy a clymer manual
you prolly wont know untill you get the cases split...but you want to at least split those just to be 100% sure that there is no debris from the piston failure rolling around down there....then after they are split you can examine and check tolerances of the crank...and do your self a favor and DO NOT spend anywhere near 1200 dollars for a engine to can buy a stroked race motor for that. used ebay running engines are usually about 250-400 depending on what you want it lookin like

ps dont give up on the blaster that just takes patience
I would have to rebuild the bottom end and the setimate i got was 700 + rebuilding the top end it like 1200 for 1200 i could buy another blaster and swap motors

those prices are really high because of the labor involved.....
but if your crank is spinning freely with no binding at all then i would just go with a new top end send the jub out to get bored for $50 and get a wiseco piston kit for $110 and top end gasket kit for about $30 and then your done
if you did it yourself it would prolly cost about $400 for everything..
I wouldn't replace or rebuild the crank.
What I would do is make absolutely sure all the pieces of broken metal are out of the case (bottom end) and just go with a re-bore and piston kit.
The beauty of your Blasty motor is it really is easy to re-build yourself.
Get a book and learn how to do it and you will wonder why you weren't doing it yourself sooner + you have Blaster forum to help with an questions about the re-build B)
does the clymer manual show in detail how to rebuild a bottom end?

i have been planning on getting brave because in have a hole in one case side and figured replace the case, replace the crank and bearings/seals.

i was gonna video it, but i have been trying to find a good walkthrough.
get a genuine yamaha shop manual they are the best IMO.

I only buy geniune shop manuals for all my bikes/quads little pricier but has more info I think.
Here's a link to a video walkthrough of a bottom end rebuild on a cr250. It's essentially the same as a blaster bottom end.

Here's the link to part 1:

and part 2:
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