Cop Storys

when i had my warrior we were out riding during hunting season like idiots somebody called the cops we came out of a trail and was just cruisin down the road and there he sat we stopped in the middle of the road to c what he was gonna do he started easing toward us so we spun them around and took off he followed us for a min the we turned on trail that makes a loop and comes out over in tuscaloosa and never seen him so idk were he went but we got away lol
personally havent had any cop issues, acualy in all my years of ridding, never met one either ridding on the road or on the trails, we were acualy passed by a ministry of natural resources truck WITH their trail atv in the back and they waved and we waved back, was f*cking awsome lol. usually there the ones to check your ownership and sh*t, mainly for sledders with there trail passes.

but on my drive back home from last 2 weekends ago, i was like 4 mins from my house when i had a cop in a unmarked car follow me for like just over a minuite and i was freakin out like wtf's he doing right, then he turns on the lights im like sh*t and pull over and sh*t. but then he comes up and hes like you didnt do anything wrong i just wanted to run the vin on your atv to make sure its not stolen, we've had a couple stolen recently. right so i bust out my wallet, give him my licence but im like well i dont have my ownership with me but heres my insurance with the vin on it. he was fine. he checked it with the quad and ran the numbers. kicker is, its not acualy registed to me, its registered to 2 owners ago (long story) and i was freaking out because i acualy suspected it might have been stolen. i probably woulda been arrested and they would have seized it like that with all the money i put into it. but it was fine.

all while i was wearing my pijama pants because i thought it would be a nice calm ride home :D so im standing out with the cop on a main street in pijama pants lol.

just looked to sexy for the cop not to pull me over, he just wanted a better look I:I
haha i dnt know where my blasters been lol dnt even know how many owners theres been actually ive only had one quad with a title but i lie in the middle of nowhere in alabama the cops dont do stuff like that the dnt care what u do unless ur messing up hunting or fishing lol
one time I was riding my blaster on the street with my dad and his freinds all of a sundden a cop comes flying out of no where there on like utilty quads like kodacks,big bears,outlanders all in 4 wheel drive so of corse I take of and go back to my dads freinds house lol I was 12 at the time and they all got there quads inpounded and guess what they all bought racing quads after that lol the bill for my one dads freind it was him and his twon sons 1500$ to get all three out lol I was the only one that didnt get cought
well i have a really good one, it is one of those that is just halaris. I:I this is about last year around this time. i was in kentucky visting family but we always ride down there on the coal mining trails. any way there is this smoking chick that is ridding up and down the street in front fo my grandmas house. well im sitting there watching her. she looks at me and smiles and gigles. so i am like Dam$ so i think, shes on at least a huge honda, so im like i know ill take my uncles, i yell in the house and tell him im taiking a ride on his, ( dad isnt there, just left) so he says fine thows me the keys, she sees me getting on it and she stops and says "chace me!" :Dso she takes off and i take off after her. any way we pass a cop and he just waves (comes into play later :p) any way were at her house, no parents you can picture what happens. any way half way though daddy comes home!!:eek: so i have to run out side, in my pants like falling down, no shurt. so i take offffff! he starts to chace me so pop it into 5th and take off!! ( its a suski 450 all racing equiment) im halling doing at least 65-70. i am passing cars doing 50. any way i flyy past that cop. he flips the light on and i am like SH*T! so i fly up the coal trails for like a mile and lop back a diffrant trail. i mange to slip past him but the exaust is sooo loud he must have heard me. so i mange to get back to my grandmas house and park it in his trailer. im waking back to the house as he goes flying by.
personally havent had any cop issues, acualy in all my years of ridding, never met one either ridding on the road or on the trails, we were acualy passed by a ministry of natural resources truck WITH their trail atv in the back and they waved and we waved back, was f*cking awsome lol. usually there the ones to check your ownership and sh*t, mainly for sledders with there trail passes.

but on my drive back home from last 2 weekends ago, i was like 4 mins from my house when i had a cop in a unmarked car follow me for like just over a minuite and i was freakin out like wtf's he doing right, then he turns on the lights im like sh*t and pull over and sh*t. but then he comes up and hes like you didnt do anything wrong i just wanted to run the vin on your atv to make sure its not stolen, we've had a couple stolen recently. right so i bust out my wallet, give him my licence but im like well i dont have my ownership with me but heres my insurance with the vin on it. he was fine. he checked it with the quad and ran the numbers. kicker is, its not acualy registed to me, its registered to 2 owners ago (long story) and i was freaking out because i acualy suspected it might have been stolen. i probably woulda been arrested and they would have seized it like that with all the money i put into it. but it was fine.

all while i was wearing my pijama pants because i thought it would be a nice calm ride home :D so im standing out with the cop on a main street in pijama pants lol.

just looked to sexy for the cop not to pull me over, he just wanted a better look I:I

So 89 you figured out that your bike isnt stolen? Now go reg it properly and you wont have to worry anymore.
Me and cops are chillB) Gotta love ak :)

But the peeps in Wasilla are having a hard time with cops (and asswipe local people), which is too bad there is some kickass riding down there... . I just hope the same thing thats happening down there doesn't happen up here:(... If it does there is no reason for me to live here, I will move back to c.a and deal with the sh*t there.
Me and cops are chillB) Gotta love ak :)

But the peeps in Wasilla are having a hard time with cops (and asswipe local people), which is too bad there is some kickass riding down there... . I just hope the same thing thats happening down there doesn't happen up here:(... If it does there is no reason for me to live here, I will move back to c.a and deal with the sh*t there.

Move to Tyrone, PA!
not sayin it is or isnt but i love bs stories ... people take so much time planning it out to be perfect... i have a friend who doesnt stop telling stories and he knows every knows hes a bser but he keeps going he even has his girlfriend in on his bs stories ... well he always brags about how muhc he gets pulled over in his camaro and this and that and one day we were riding in this lil spot and it was right behind someones house so they call the cops alot i didnt know ani1 lived therre or i wudnt be that disrespectfull u kno ... but we were riding and we left only a half hour after we got to the spot and what do u kno 2 detectives roled up in there homo crown vicks vapor rubbers and started cheking the vin and this and that ... then this kid the bser was driving around and around us like 10 times and the cop told him to stop and come here , he tried to say his uncles this guy and that guy and the cops just said beat it kid before we areest u for being dumb!! it isnt a good riding cop story it was just funny how the bser was told off
I got a good one...ON April 14th, I heard a fourstroke driving around my neighbors yard, and it appeared to be a raptor, or a yfz(it was moving around and I couldn't get that clear of a view of it) so i called him over (saw it was a yfz that looked exactly like my freinds) and questioned him, he lied and said a friend dropped it off, and I became suspicious so knowing that the owners were looking for it I kept him at my house. 5 minutes later I hear someone yelling "THERE IT IS THERE IT IS" and 3 guys show up at my garage in like 10 seconds and one of em is my friend and the other 2 were much bigger so instantly I said to my freind it wasn't me, and then im like DUDE you should have called telling me it was stolen! well he called the cops and said we had it, we read the VIN number and it was his so after 2 minutes we hear the cops coming and within 20 seconds they arrive and immediately handcuff the little sh*tbag. After giving some names and the cop verified the vin number we got it safely into the bed of the owner's truck. Cops drove the kid to his house and now they are there discussing whats going to happen. He is 17, just got out of prison for 2 months and was sent to boot camp so he just got out of prison boot camp.
so there is my story in helping my friend get is 9k quad back :-D I went drinking with him this past friday so we are cool :-d haha
Came out of the local pizza dive one night laughing and cuttin' up and one of the local officers noticed...knowing me...he assumed DUI. I went through all of the abc's and stand on one foot sh*t but when asked to walk a straight line...I did it on my hands. He wrote me a ticket for*t that fell out of my pockets. I gotta bunch more but this one was the shortest.

Ever since wife became a dispatcher, I get by with a lot more than I normally would. Being a municipal employee in another department, I get to drive the cruisers e'ry now and then too. The newest 2009 Crown Vic was thought to be the cats meow...until the Chiefs new Charger got here. I had to drive that car from the light and decal shop. Man did that break my heart. 35mph-146mph in a blink. Car is amazing. Wont break traction though, sure as hell fun to try.