Constantly Fouling Plugs


New Member
Dec 6, 2010
i have a 99 blaster, after about 15 minutes of riding it fouls a plug, this is every time i try to ride it, it was running fine, then we took it on our trip to NH, allot of hard trails, wet deep pouddles, it originaly died 10 miles out there in the woods. now it just dies out every 10 minutes or so, the carb is not stock, its for a race dirtbike, it has new jetting, and an exaust, i dont think the jetting is the problem, it was riding strong and hard for years. any idead on what could be wrong?
you normally foul a plug because your are
1) running a rich jetting
2) running a rich premix
3) not getting a strong spark
4) not running the correct plug

check your air filter, might need clean (dirty filter will cause the engine to run rich)
what premix ratio are you running?
what kind of premix oil are you running?
what octane are you running?
what plug are you running?
my thoughts, along lines of sheeblast.

ran fine

went riding, wet deep puddles
do the math, then clean your air filter

have you changed 2 stroke oil since last ran good?
float level, a hard hit can knock it out of adjustment, look up the specs for that carb, then check/adjust
yea ive tore apart carb like a dozen times, and i bought it with the carb in it, but im running 32:1, and usually super gas, (93) im going to try a different sparkplug, the type of oil idk off the top of my head, and air filter was just cleaned recently.
did you check the float height while in the carb a dozen times
did you check the float height while in the carb a dozen times

awik is on to something here. having the carb on an angle or hitting a bump the right way can screw with your floats, the measurment has slipped my miond, but it will be in the free downloadable manual on the site in one of the sections, not sure which one though...
that float level wont be in the manual, he's running a 35mm from a dirtbike,
the float height for a keihin 35 pwk is 16mm
ok thanks guys ill look up the specs for my carb as well as look into buying a new stock carb. any ideas on where to get the new carb it would be helpfull, thanks.