Console question

I have both and preffer my PS3. No batteries for the controllers to worry about. It is one the best rated Blu-Ray players. Wireless built in wifi. For the 360 you have to hard wire it or buy a 100.00 wifi adaptor. Free online. 360 doesnt have Uncharted Great game for the PS3.

Thats my 2 cents.......
I had both like the ps3 better
xbox=100$ extra for the wifi adpator,50$ a year so your at 400$ and red ring got it 6 times on my xbox
ps3=free online,built in wifi,one of the best blu rays, no problems at all with the ps3
i had a ps3 and was pissed when i found out you can load all your music on it but cant play it during game play wich you can do on the 360 and its awsome to play killing games and hear metal at the same time and just push pause to change you song but the ps3 is nice for the internet its basicly a computer with a blue ray
i prefer the ps3. its got wifi, free online, blu ray, and you can use it as a computer(internet browsing). it cost me $380 brand new for the 250gb.
its a good deal but keep in mind that 360 is only a 20gb...
xbox for me
has the better games ,many are exclusive to xbox, although live is 40 a year the quality of live is amazing, very little lag if any.

that is a bunch of poo. The P2P (peer-to-peer) system is riddled with soo much lag it isnt even funny (PS3 uses the P2P system as well for online play)

Unless all of ur friends have 360's, i'd get the PS3.
i only have a 360 and i like it...the online play is awesome...but at $50 a yr it kinda sux. i heard the ps3 online play isnt as good cuz it has lag...but its free. my bro like his ps3 alot...its all personal to some friends...theyll tell u. all my friends have 360's so thats why i got it and not a ps3...
wow when i had my ps3 i loved it there was no lag for me online and thats all i did, xbox has maxed its potential for the 360 and ps3 is just getting started i prefer the ps3 and i had a 360 but i got the red ring of death so if i was you and your spending your own money i would get the ps3 but if it is your parents money get the 360