comparison pics of swingers

Hey if you guys have any broken ones those are the ones that we are replacing under warranty. Alls we ask is that you pay for shipping. Also YB200 is right if you guys have questions that you want answered quick its better to send me a pm cause I get a email notification on my blackberry. As far as freak goes I was told he payed for his swinger under his own will. I didnt see the emails for that but thats what I was told. Im pretty sure with freak and tim were going to get some really good feedback. I hope I have answered all your guys questions so far and thanks for all the feedback and help on here guys.

Im sorry man its just you have to have one to send in to be replaced. Ill let you know now I haven't been negative to you once through any of my messages and wont come to your level. I will let everyone know that I do have 20 private messages and over half are from yb200 with similar comments as posts. Thanks guys for all your help.

Also if a mod could help is there a way to get a larger PM box? Even if I have to pay $15 to become a platinum member or something would help. I've been on here for like 3 days now and Im almost half way to my limit.

Just a heads up most of you are probably thinking I get a cut if you guys buy a Swingarm and think thats why Im here posting. Thats not the case. I don't get any pay from the Swingarm Shop what so ever. Im just like you guys and have purchased 5 Swingarms myself. Im in a different boat though. I have had 1 blaster and 4 banshee arms but have yet to have problems. Thanks again for all your comments.

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Reactions: Blasterb0y794
Feelsoright03 way to make it right.I just now he bouight 3 already and to replace one or two is the right thing to do.I just went another route on a swingarm and if I knew they were beefed up I would have grabbed one and saved some cash.Although I never had a problem with my 2 these few pics of broken ones made me cringe.I think the new design will hold up much better.Also for $10 you can become a supporting member and get 500 p.m.s and less restrictions.Well worth the $10.
I think Yb needs to calm down about the damn swing arm. To be honest Yb why don't you send out a few of your swing arms and let some people test yours. I'm a welder fabricator for a living and you can send me one and I promise in a week I'll send back both pieces.
I think Yb needs to calm down about the damn swing arm. To be honest Yb why don't you send out a few of your swing arms and let some people test yours. I'm a welder fabricator for a living and you can send me one and I promise in a week I'll send back both pieces.

lol .
So your LOL means you want my address? You know this is the reason why I don't become a supporting member on here. Because sometimes someone comes on here has something to say and a few of the members want to bash them. The guy said he was willing to make it right but you don't have your "broken swinger" so from where I stand your looking for the free hand out. A guy at my work got one of the ebay swing arms and we added to it after it got to him because I saw plenty of fail points but almost a year later and no problems. This kid rides hard also. So like I said dude you need to calm down.
So your LOL means you want my address? You know this is the reason why I don't become a supporting member on here. Because sometimes someone comes on here has something to say and a few of the members want to bash them. The guy said he was willing to make it right but you don't have your "broken swinger" so from where I stand your looking for the free hand out. A guy at my work got one of the ebay swing arms and we added to it after it got to him because I saw plenty of fail points but almost a year later and no problems. This kid rides hard also. So like I said dude you need to calm down.

sure man whatever you saw *bows down*
yb keep your views constructive. If you come to this thread to bash then I suggest you stay out of it.. I understand this guy is your "competition" but you are not doing yourself a favor by trying to slam others..

You are pretty much making yourself look foolish.
Dam i likey the new swingarm shop design it looks waaaaay stronger then the old one. imma try a chrome +4 here in the next week or so. people are just REALLY fussy about the way things look on our bikes... idk maybe its just me
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